
for the many volunteers at St. Thomas

St. Thomas leadership is crucial to the well being and the development of the community. At St. Thomas we have one clergy, two wardens, one associate warden, a treasurer, a parish council (13), a parish administrator, a part time office worker, a paid book keeper, music director, a music team, a sound technician and team. We have Eucharist assistants, chalice administrators, readers, intercessors, greeters who take the offering. There is an altar guild who set up the church for the Eucharist each week, leaders in the Sunday Children's Circle and for Family Nights, counters for the offering and those that oversee, set up, and make coffee and goodies each week and create special occassion meals. We have a building and property manager who oversees many details each week and we keep two cleaning persons busy along with many hands to keep the yard looking beautiful. St. Thomas has an amazing group of people who plan Pride Chilliwack and other LGBTQ2S+ events and a new group looking at indigenous relationships. The Centre for Spiritual Renewal at St. Thomas has people participating as teachers and facilitators of spiritual formation events. We have a group of spiritual directors at St. Thomas and some who use the space with those they meet.

All of this to say - WE are a wonderful team of individuals that work together - and we are busy following our logo... loving God, loving each other, loving our neighbor. THANKS BE TO GOD for each one who brings life to St. Thomas and those who visit from time to time! All are loved.

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